Print up to eight images on one paper
1. Save an image by clicking the green plus icon in the top right corner of all thumbnail images on the site.
2. Repeat step 1 for all the images you want to save under
We have saved 3 images in the example below.
Mark the check box of the images you wish to print on one paper.
3. The images you have selected are placed on the paper to the right.
Click the print icon to print the images.
Click the clear icon to deselect all images.
Think environmentally and save money!
Printing more than one image per paper is better for the environment. It also saves you money!
Want to be even more environmentally friendly? Print on the back of the used paper. In most printers you should place the paper with the used side up.
The green brush shows that an image can be colored online.
Click on the green brush to color the image right away.
You can try this on the image to the right.
To view or color images on you must download the latest
flash player from Adobe. This program is free and safe.
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· The "Favorites" function
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